Sunday, July 13, 2008

At Loose Ends

I've been working on this afghan since April. (Knit Simple Magazine Holiday 2006, Patchwork Afghan using the suggested yarn). I started it as a gift for a man I had started to see. The man is mostly gone. But I'm suddenly on fire to finish this thing. Weird, huh. I've finished 6 of 15 blocks. Now if this next bit is obvious to everyone in the world, please keep it to yourself. I came to the stunning conclusion that I should try to knit these squares by row, and do the finishing for each row as I go. Yeah, I know. Everybody else got there a long time ago. I'm a process person. So here's the blocking and weaving pic. There are solids in 4 colors and three pattern types. I think it's very masculine. Yarn is 70% wool and 30% alpaca. Lovely yarn. I keep one solid and one pattern block going all the time so depending on my state of mind I can work on it. I'll post a pic of a sewn together row later this week.

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